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RIEGL | VZ-400i Arbormeta

Arbormeta strive to improve the management of the living planet by providing the analytical tools necessary to properly know a forest and its trees. Through accurate and reliable measurement methods, Arbormeta hope to combat the environmental crises and restore the world’s forests to a more healthy and resilient state.

Original Source - REIGL

Arbormeta, based in Byron Bay, NSW, utilise RIEGL’s advanced LiDAR technology to enhance its ability to analyse and understand forest ecosystems with exceptional precision. By incorporating high-resolution laser scanners such as RIEGL’s VZi and VUX series, Arbormeta has developed robust methodologies for detailed forest measurement and monitoring. This approach has enabled the company to generate accurate and actionable data about forest structure and composition.

“The ArborMeta team aims to contribute real solutions to the planet's great environmental threats.”

A distinguishing feature of Arbormeta’s work is their "ground-up" approach to forest analysis. The process begins with precise terrestrial LiDAR scanning of small forest plots, capturing the intricate structure of individual trees and their surroundings. This ground-level data forms a foundational layer of understanding, as it offers detailed measurements of tree height, diameter, volume, and canopy structure. Once the forest dynamics are well-understood at the plot level, Arbormeta scales the insights outward by integrating the ground data with airborne LiDAR and satellite imagery. This multiscale approach allows Arbormeta to model and estimate tree and forest metrics over much larger areas, adjusted for forest types and local conditions. By bridging fine-scale measurements with broader landscape-scale observations, Arbormeta can provide comprehensive analyses that are critical for forest management and conservation.

The speed of data collection enabled by RIEGL’s scanners has significantly improved the efficiency of Arbormeta’s field operations. Unlike traditional methods of forest measurement, which can be time-consuming and labor-intensive, RIEGL’s technology captures millions of data points per second, allowing Arbormeta to cover extensive areas in less time. This efficiency not only reduces operational costs but also limits the environmental impact of fieldwork by minimising the time spent on site.


Arbormeta has developed its own proprietary models to translate the LiDAR data into actionable forest metrics. Through its use of RIEGL technology in combination with its own modeling expertise, Arbormeta has strengthened its position as a leader in forest measurement and analytics. Their approach, which integrates detailed ground-based scanning with cutting-edge remote sensing and tailored modeling, provides unmatched insights into forest ecosystems. This combination of precision and scalability allows Arbormeta to contribute significantly to sustainable forestry, carbon management, and biodiversity conservation efforts worldwide.

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