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RIEGL | Royal Australian Navy

A Schiebel Camcopter S100 UAS fitted with a RIEGL VQ-840-G Bathymetric Lidar Sensor uses green wavelength laser beams to penetrate water and create littoral and terrain geospatial surveys.

Original Source - REIGL

The trials investigated the optimal balance between flying low to collect data in comparison to tactical flying.

LCDR Thomas Lennards, from the Australian Amphibious Force, has exposure to the laser technology thanks to his work implementing hydrographic and geospatial collection for the S100.

“We generate survey plans for landing areas, then create 3D flight profiles and gradients, either electronically or paper, which are used as a briefing tool of shallow water bathymetry, beach, back of beach topography,” LCDR Lennards said.

 “The surveys are used to navigate hazards, beach entry and exit points, helicopter landing zones, bridges, hinterland and terrain."

 “We have overlays of nautical charts and satellite imagery used to make sure the information is current with our collection and compare anomalies with what’s scanned compared to what is charted.”

Geography scientist Dr Alexander Lee and his team attached the Riegl VQ-840-G sensor as part of the S100 introduction into service trials on board HMAS Adelaide.

“We participate in major exercises to understand how the outputs of scientific research can be accelerated through the transition into operational use. This seeks to make the war fighter more effective for their missions,” Dr Lee said.

“It’s about talking to people, either day or night, to better understand how science can be used to resolve issues or identify new opportunities to enhance the effectiveness of the ADF.”

“The data it generates allows us to better understand the limits of the LiDAR data collected from airborne platforms like the S100,” he said.

The S100 has a range of 200km, it can be used day or night in most weather conditions, navigate via pre-programmed GPS waypoints or by a control unit.

They also have the ability to integrate into a ship’s system, assisting air traffic control and gathering intelligence.

The Defence Science and Technology Group engages closely in exercises to research new capabilities and concepts.

“Pretty much everything that ADF does there’s probably a scientist that’s looking into it,” Dr Lee said.

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